Stationery Lists

Pre Kindergarten

Class teachers will supply all stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.


Class teachers will supply most stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (need to be over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school.
  • Art shirt/smock
  • Homework bag (available from the Uniform Shop)
  • Library bag (available from the Uniform Shop)
Year 1

Class teachers will supply most stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (need to be over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school. ***
  • Art shirt/smock
  • Homework bag (available from the Uniform Shop) ***
  • Library bag (available from the Uniform Shop) ***

*** Returning students can use the same items purchased for Kindergarten.

Year 2

Class teachers will supply most stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school. ***
  • Art shirt/smock
  • Library bag (available from the Uniform Shop) ***
  • Homework bag (available from the Uniform Shop) ***

*** Returning students can use the same items purchased for previous years.

Year 3

Class teachers will supply all stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (need to be over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school. ***
  • Library bag (available from the Uniform Shop)

*** Returning students can use the same items purchased for previous years.

Year 4

Class teachers will supply all stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (need to be over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school. ***

*** Returning students can use the same items purchased for previous years.

Year 5

Class teachers will supply most stationery items for students. Please do not send in any stationery or pencil cases from home.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (need to be over-the-head style, not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school. *** 

*** Returning students can use the same items purchased for previous years.

Year 6

Class teachers will be providing all necessary stationery items, including pencil cases.

Please supply:

  • 1 pair of wired headphones (for use with computers and music - not earbuds and not wireless), to be left at school.
Year 7-10 Stationery

General and subject specific stationery for junior high school (Year 7-10) will be purchased and distributed by the school. Students will receive general supplies during roll call, then subject specific supplies in their first class of the year.

The only item students will need to bring themselves is a pencil case to hold their general stationery items. The pencil case should be able to fit a 30cm ruler.

Year 11-12 Stationery

For stationery requirements for elective subjects, please click here.

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