Record of School Achievement
What is the Record of School Achievement (ROSA)?
- A credential replacing the School Certificate.
- Awarded to students who leave school after completing Stage 5 but before completing the HSC.
- Shows a student’s achievements up until they leave school (A-E grades).
- Determined by school-based assessments.
- Optional reporting of extracurricular achievements.
Who gets a Record of School Achievement?
- Students who are eligible and leave school before receiving the HSC (completion of Year 10 or 11).
- A student receiving the HSC can also request a copy of their Record of School Achievement.
- Students in Year 11 or 12 not leaving school can access a transcript to use when seeking casual work (not an official credential).
Reporting Measures
- Grades will not be shown for partial completion of Year 10 or 11 courses
For students who leave before completing the full Preliminary or HSC course, their document will show the:
- courses they have attempted
- date of leaving school
Record of School Achievement Structure
Core Subjects - 200 hours in total
- Bible
- English
- Geography & History
- Mathematics
- Science
Elective Subjects – 100 hours per year
- Commerce
- Drama
- Food Technology
- French
- Industrial Technology - Engineering
- Industrial Technology – Multimedia
- Industrial Technology – Timber
- Music
- Textiles Technology
- Visual Arts
Elective Subjects - Preference is for students to choose a subject for both Year 9 & 10
It is possible to change subjects from Year 9 to Year 10.
- Not ideal but courses are structured so it is possible.
- Students continuing - benefit of the prior year.
- Assumed knowledge.
RoSA Grades
- Made up of assessment from Year 9 and 10
- Grade for subject covered in Year 9 & 10
- Grade for subject only in Year 9 and Grade for subject in Year 10 only
Consistent effort over both years is important.